welcome:)girl friend and boyfriend nme bf iter secret-_---^-^luv uu

amelia natasya

ai..welcome to my blogger official pages..
see this is my create..terima kasih..bg u all yg follow iter nye blog
tk de spe yg ble follow slain u all ..
any way uall ble bce d bwh..ap2 yg x betul tu jngn besar2kn ye..hope uall remember it..!^_^..bye..luv u

Monday 2 January 2012

  • mimiey cyg awk
  • _--_
  • mimiey cup cake love you
  • just try to new year 2012-_-

Friday 16 December 2011

today is bless!!!

aii.you all meet agi iterr..yesterday..iter gi johor premium outlets..
so nice ang big!..toilet is automatic!!..brg mahal2!!x ble beli arge die beribu2..
x mampu i nk beli just look..and check haha..
bnyk nye org kaye di cne..:) jealous i..i promise iter nk bljr cungguh2 untuk
kaye like they all..thenn i will vip there!!haha..
bnyk girlz cute2..
make up sng t tebal sunggu!---
iter x make up lngsong aritu..suprise gia ne..
but yg plg best..ade baby cute tu..kt shop tu ade air pancut nice!!---
dan x pernh aq tengok yg mak die srh mandi dkt air pancut tu ahha--lwk gile
mmg cng klu bju msh mak die blh beli la 100% hahah..
kaye nye!!!!!!..^_^
------------------------------------- ..

Thursday 15 December 2011

secret recipey mimiey bakery story

ai today mimiey ade recipe baru..cupcake oreo specialist
easy only to prepare it
nyum2!! sefap gilerr
but idon't know to bake pon!!haha
mama iter yg buat..ibu cye salin jee recepi cucake ni haha..
tak buat2 campai arini heheh..
but penah rase mama iter yg buat..but no panic mama iter tu ibu cucuan cye..then..ibu,ibu kandung iterhehehe..you all msti panic kn??hahaha
but klu nk recipi cpcake oreo ni..
pergi la ke google cari sendiri!! hahaha just play ting tong!!hahaha
sebenarnye imiss that cupcake dah lame daa tinggalkan.emmm
cause dah abis cuti..blk jb blk aritu mimiey duduk rmh mama-_-

just look and eat haha..
good bye.
secret recepiey bakery story.pelik!!?? haha

About Me

My photo
ampang, malaysia, Malaysia
ai..ni blogger mimiey then..ade mimiey bakery story,then love story,and..sad story love-_-
^nur syai datina farahin
^nur batrisya
^nur amira
^nur husnina
my frend


take care mimiey love

take care mimiey love

dapat naik kelas!!

great!!i'm very----very appy..cause this my time to naik kelas
emm..but thanks to my teacher..pn.sbashini-_----
then..it become fyfa my frend l.--
2bestari 1 will be my class in 2012..
love it..but takut la iter kene lwn ngn bdk pndai lee--
it okay ble usaha ..

result kelas..

result kelas..
aq dpt naik kelas

my story

hai..jumpe lagi iter..-_-malu..
aritu iter gi oliday with my family
di port dickson and pegila kmpung kjp
cause miss nenek & atok..
bkn iter yg miss lbh but my father lg over hehe
so the next we go to kl..pergila..look out point
romantic!ramai couple kt cne jeles lbh iter x bwk bf skl
haha..nonit nnt ibu ngn ayh.........??!!
but it still appy cause iter bkn gy ngn pamily je..but
sedara mara.cume pegi and not forgot to jiran2..


ni lah sye...


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it's real

spe kau??kate kau??suke kau?? ^_^---------^_^
==================== ^_^----------^_&
nama:amelia natasha hello d mane kau??